Tuesday, 15 February 2011


53. And Jesus told them, "Amen, amen, I am telling you that if you do
not eat the body of the Son of Man, and drink his blood, you cannot
[receive] the [triune] essences* of a Living [human being.]
54. "Whoever eats of my body and drinks of my blood, shall receive
Life to [the end of] the universe, and I will [surely] raise them on the last
day. 55. "For my body truly becomes food and my blood truly becomes
drinkable. 56. "Whoever eats my body and drinks my blood, is strengthened* in me
and I in them. 57. "Whoever the Living Father has sent me, and I am alive because of
the Father, and whoever eats of me, they also Live [eternally] because of
me. 58. "This is the bread that comes down from heaven. It is not like the
manna that your ancestors ate and died. Whoever eats of this bread lives
to [the end of] the universe." 59. These [things] he said in the synagogue as he taught in Capernaum. 60. And many of his disciples who heard, said, "This is a difficult
concept*, who can understand* it?" 61. But Jesus knew inside himself that the disciples were complaining about this, and he told them, "Did this confuse* you? 62. "Then [what will you think] if you see the Son of Man ascend to the state that he possessed of old?
63. "It is the Spirit that gives Life. The flesh does nothing. The words
that I speak with you are of the Spirit and the Life. 64. "But there are those* among you that do not believe." For Jesus knew from the beginning* who were the ones who did not believe, and
who was to betray* him. 65. And he told them, "Because of this I told you that no one* comes to
me, if it were not given* to him by my Father." 66. Because of these words* many of his disciples fell away,* and did not go with him. 67. And Jesus said to his twelve, "What [now,] are you also thinking of leaving?"* 68. Simon the Rock* replied and said, "My Lord, to whom shall we go?
You hold the words to eternal life!* 69. "And we have believed and understand that you [are] the Anointed One, Son of the Living God!"
-John 6:53-69 The Aramaic Bible
6:53 Lit. Ar. id.: "Q'numeh."
6:56 Lit. Ar. id.: "Hardened," or "fortified."
6:60.1 Lit. Ar. id.: "Manifestation."
6:60.2 Lit. Ar. id.: "Hear," or "heed."
6:61 Lit. Ar. id.: "Whip."
6:64.1 Lit. Ar. id.: "Human [beings.]"
6:64.2 Lit. Ar. id.: "Old."
6:64.3 Lit. Ar. id.: "Deliver."
6:65.1 Lit. Ar. id.: "Human [being.]"
6:65.2 Lit. Ar. id.: "Given, " in the sense of a gift or a blessing.
6:66.1 Lit. Ar. idiomatic figure of speech: "This manifestation, [or concept.]"
6:66.2 Lit. Ar. idiomatic expression: "Went into retirement."
6:67 Lit. Ar. idiomatic expression: "(For) what, also you are satisfied (you) for going [away?]"
6:68.1 Peter.
6:68.2 Lit. Ar. idiomatic construction: "The words of Lives to [the end of] the universe you have!"

 This text illuminates the truth that Jesus’ desire was to offend the minds of men and to captivate them with the reality of who He is by expressing the necessity to consume every eternal morsel of Him. I was just reading in the book of John and marveling at the open invitation of the King that says, “I’m here, the Life that you desire, the life you are trying to complete in yourselves, and I’m giving you every part of Me to feast upon without constraints. What your forefathers experienced was nothing compared to what I am offering to you now, if you will only eat and drink. My flesh and My blood are more real then what you could ever consume in the natural realm.”

We must begin to feast on Him and really express, believe and take to the core of ourselves the verse that states:

"Whoever eats my body and drinks my blood, is strengthened {hardened, fortified} in me and I in them. Whoever the Living Father has sent me, and I am alive because of the Father, and whoever eats of me, they also Live eternally because of me.”-The Aramaic Bible

“By eating My flesh and drinking My blood you enter into Me and I into you. In the same way that the fully alive Father sent Me here and I live because of Him, so the one who makes a meal of Me lives because of Me.”- The Message Remix

In the Aramaic translation above we see that the very word strengthened means “hardened” or “fortified”
We are now fortified in Him. We are immovable, unshakable in Him because we consume Him.

Come on church. Lets embrace, as the Bride, an understanding and a revelation of the magnitude of what eternal life means. What is eternal life? To consume without any limits the magnificent, joyful, beautiful body and blood of the King of Glory. Why? Because it is freely and plainly stated that this is the only way you will experience true life. Let us be a church who really makes a meal again purely out of Jesus and what He has done on the Cross. Let us not lose sight of the Cross, let us not be a generation who, over time, neglects the Cross where it all became possible. Let us seek to proclaim from the mountain tops the very thing that Paul exclaimed to the Galatians in chapter 6, verse 14:

“May God help me to take pride {boast} only in what He did for me through Christ on the cross. -The Heart of Paul

Let us not be a generation who thinks that they we have somehow surpassed the Cross in our realms of revelation and decided that we have no need to continue because we have “got that one under our belts.” Trust me, we have not yet scratched the surface of the intensity of the Love that the Cross brings forth. That is only possible as you embrace the beauty of what He has done by feasting on the flesh and blood that He has so generously placed before you. May I even submit to you that the table that is in the presence of your enemies which is spoken of in Psalms 23 bears these very elements, and in that place you can find rest and completion as you partake in what He has done, what He is doing and what He will do.

I find it amazing that the statements Jesus made really repulsed and was even too difficult for some of those who followed Him, whom the bible calls His “disciples.” Now that is interesting... we aren't talking about petty followers who really had no commitment, trust, or belief in Jesus - we are talking about His disciples! A group of people who left everything they knew to follow Him, found themselves offended by His words. Remarkable, isn’t it?

Disciple: a convinced adherent of a school or individual.

So, knowing what we do about disciples, we see plainly in the scriptures that they fell away due to Jesus’ teachings of the true realities of Himself. I find it intriguing that this group of “devout” and “elect” disciples found it hard to swallow one of the most important things Jesus ever said. They said that it was a difficult concept the word concept in Aramaic is “Manifestation.” Rather than embrace whatever the Lord had to say and believe that He is trustworthy and honorable in His ways, they decided to leave Him there with His manifestation, not knowing that He could never be separated from the concept because He was in fact that very Manifestation in the flesh.

Jesus desires that none should leave Him, but He will purposefully bring to you another element of Himself to see if you accept or walk away - to see how much deeper you are willing to go, or if you have simply had enough, and to see if you also willing to worship Him in the midst of offense. The Lord says in Matthew 11:6

“Blessed are they that do not oppose {tangle with} Me.” –The Aramaic Bible

"And blessed is he who does not take offense at Me." – NASB

We must learn to open ourselves up to worship Him even in the offenses that He brings, knowing that He brings them to us for the purpose of taking us deeper on our journey with Him. Jesus knew from the beginning that there would be some that would leave because of what He was going to say, but He had to release it in order that they step into a deeper place of intimacy in Him so that on the day that He ascended into heaven they would not misjudge it as Him abandoning them. The Lord longs to offend the mind of men so that He may comfort, embrace, and fortify the heart of men. The heart is what the King is always after.

So after this, He then looked toward the twelve now remaining and said:

"You do not want to go away also, do you?" -NASB

All I can think about here is the look on the Lord’s face at this very moment in history. The sadness He must have felt at the intensity of His creation that He so adores witnessing what He had done, feeling His presence, receiving His bounty of love and still choosing to leave. It seems familiar to what happens every day, every time we don’t allow our minds to be offended by His love {which is ultimately what it is} so that our hearts may be overwhelmingly filled.

The next scene wrecks me because Peter saw the crowds leaving, knew he had no other choice, obeyed the stirring in his spirit, looked to the only source of life that he could see and said,

"My Lord, to whom shall we go? You hold the words to eternal life!”

Peter was literally saying, “You alone, Lord, produce and hold the Rhema Manifestation of eternal life, and without you I am nothing. You Lord make me come alive inside when you speak, and when you speak I not only grow, I live and breathe and have my being in You. There is no other place that - even if I wanted to go, I couldn't! I just simply can’t survive without You."

Lets not be a church that barely knows about Him, but lets be those who know Him no matter the cost, and no matter how hot the fire of His love gets. I assure you, it will be rewarding in the end to know He is your everything. This will be the transformed generation that will transform the nations of the earth for the glory of the King.

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